January 2, 2022 (posting on January 3)
Spiritual: I really didn't get any bible reading in. As soon as I woke up, I hit the ground running and then ended up checking out to my phone a lot. Utilizing my phone locker today to reclaim my morning. We'll see how it goes.
Physical: Sunday's are stretching/yoga days. I did neither. I need to cue up a stretching video or post a guide on the wall to help me do what needs to be done for a mobility work out.
Financial: I can already tell the Miscellaneous category is going to be our downfall. We need to put terms and conditions on all things that are not categorized.
Mental: I have been reading through the Matthew McConaughey book "Greenlights." I am usually not a celebrity biography reader, but this book is pretty good. I find his parents fascinating.
Safety: N/A - Going to look over safety forms and suggestions this week.
Time Management: Locked the phone up and have had the urge to use it all morning. My dad wanted me to call but I can't. You find out how dependent you are on something when it is impossible for you to use it like you want to.
Occupation: N/A - Considering going to go do some KD tonight after we record the podcast. We'll see.
Relationships: Had a rough meeting at church last night. a lot of concerns and questions. it was a real emotional congregational meeting. I hope that we can utilize prayer more diligently and primarily when dealing with this kind of stuff and each other.
Serving others: I gave up my treasurer spot last night at church. I need to be thinking of ways I can serve the body that will not hinder my relationships and show people that I want to care for them.
Rest and recreation: Not a lot of rest yesterday. It was definitely an all business Sunday. Maybe Amy and I can discuss what a sabbath day would look like for us in our home.
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